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PR Experience

CallidusPR is the public relations specialist in the sectors of financial services, professional services and small to mid-sized capital raisings.

In the financial services sector, we have extensive experience in media relations and integrated communications across a range of companies including banks, mortgage providers, credit card companies, stockbrokers, insurance companies and financial service technology providers.

Our professional services experience is a culmination of over 30 years working with a range of firms and industry associations in the fields of accountancy, law, management, governance, recruitment, marketing and advertising.

We also have a wealth of knowledge and experience working with companies in capital-raisings ranging from public floats to off-market transactions.

Phone: +61 2 9283 4111 Fax:+61 2 9262 9295 Email: [email protected] © 2007 Callidus PR
Mobile (After Hours): +61 403 569 177 or +61 411 208 951